Bookings at Clover Cottage

Please use the form below to check availability and book your stay. The property caters for three people (two bedrooms: one double, one single). We have a minimum stay of two nights. Sorry, we do not allow pets.

We accept bookings and arrivals on the same day, but do require payment upfront. This can be done online through the booking form below. Please give us a ring if your booking and arrival days are the same to make sure we’re on the case and the property is clean and tidy for you.

All bookings are inclusive of taxes and charges. What you see is what you pay. There is no cleaning fee or deposit (but we love guests to at least have a go at cleaning prior to departure).

Cancellations are accepted up to 14 days in advance of your visit. The full amount less booking fee will be refunded. Cancellations within 14 days of arrival will be refunded 50%. Alternatively, guests can re-arrange their visit for another available date. If this is the case, please contact us.

All fields with a red asterisk “*” need completing otherwise the BOOK NOW button will not display.

Thank you so much for your booking, and we very much look forward to seeing you soon. Any questions please contact us.